Two Gold Star moms and an American Hero Quilt (January 10, 2025). Left is Jill Yates, mother of Samuel John Yates, Lt. USMC . Right is Gwynne Crandall, mother of Pvt. Kyle D Siminak.
American Hero Quilts ready for newly injured warriors in Qatar, December 10, 2023. . .
Our shipment of American Hero Quilts arrived at Qatar (October, 2023). (Thanks again to Naniq Government Services for its wonderful logistics support.). . .
Received this beautiful plaque recognizing our support from Joint Base Lewis-McChord (April, 2023).
“On behalf of the men and women assigned to, or have been assigned to, the Joint Base Lewis-McChord (JBLM) Soldier Recovery Unit, thank you for the American Hero Quilts. The quilts have warmed bodies and touched souls. Thank you for your support.
Please accept the enclosed flags as a token of our undying gratitude and appreciation for your kindness.”
Just received this note (2023). . .
“Hello from Qatar,
Thank you so much for taking the time and sending us quilts! They’re amazing and everyone who got one was really happy!”
American Hero Quilts placed in rooms at the Captain Joseph House in Port Angeles, Washington. Administered by the Captain Joseph House Foundation, this wonderful organization provides support and a special retreat for Gold Star families. For more information see https://CaptainJosephHouseFoundation.org.

An American Hero from the Vietnam war . . .

Another American Hero from the Vietnam war. . .

“Thank you for providing these quilts to medically evacuated Solders overseas. I still have mine from last year. It brought me a sense of security and also comfort while I was hospitalized and eventually evacuated out of country. You all are very much appreciated. God bless.”
200 face masks for Franciscan Hospice in Tacoma, Washington. Thanks to quilters from Vashon Island, Camano Island, and Stanwood, Washington. . .
From fabric scraps to face masks–thanks to our Port Angeles quilters. . .
Two of our Heroes recently injured in Afghanistan (pictures are of poor quality since they were copied from an Instagram message). . .
Just received this from Afghanistan (October, 2019). . .
Awarded to a Hero of the Vietnam war, and recipient of the Silver Star. . .
American Hero Quilts again at the Clallam County Fair in Washington, 2019
A letter and picture from Afghanistan. . .
“Thank you so much for the quilt. It’s absolutely beautiful, and makes me feel at home!!! Forever humbled and grateful.”
Uncle Sam shows up at the Everett Quilt Show. . .
Sue Nebeker and Judy Madsen at the Everett Quilt Show, Everett, Washington. . .
American Hero Quilters’ booth at the Challam County Fair, Port Angeles, Washington. . .
American Hero Quilts at the Al Udeid Medical Facility in Qatar. . .
Another view. . .
Taken from the Netflix movie: Travis: A Soldiers Story. . .
A letter from Afghanistan. . .

I’m A1C ____________, and I just wanted to tell you all thank you for everything you do! I recently received one of your beautiful quilts while in Afghanistan, and when I found the card with your contact info, I just had to tell you how much we all appreciate the hard work that is put into these quilts. While it may seem like just a blanket to some people, those of us that are receiving these quilts know how much thought is put into these. So thank you from all of us!!! And keep up the great work!! I know every time someone receives one, a smile is brought to their face!
Much love and thanks!!
Evacuating to a hospital in Germany. Enough said. . .
Click Here to View Captain David Collins’ Address to American Hero Quilts Supporters. . .
Click Here to View American Hero Quilters (from Sharon Szekely’s group)
Conni’s Sweat Shop. . .
Click here to view an American Hero Quilts presentation by Sue Nebeker in 2009. . .
The beginnings of American Hero Quilts–September, 2004. . .

Vashon Quiltathon–April 18, 2015

I have been sewing quilts for American Hero Quilts group for about 5-1/2 years now. It is my joy & honor to sew the Quilts, to show my appreciation for your service to our country. i love reading the letters on the AHQ website. My late husband retired after 30 years in the USN. Our son retired after 28 years in the navy, also with 100% VA disability.
thank you, ladies, and if you have any gentlemen! thank you all. I received my first blanket at the Vet Center in Seattle and was so impressed with it, I love the quilt and work is flawless, thank you all so much. I have made it a mission to contact veterans in my circle of influence and to date I have been able to give away five quilts. Come this Veterans Day we will be giving away at least ten!! I would like to connect with someone in relationship to possibly using some of your photos in a church program that I have in mind. The address is on the bottom of this page, thank you again and God Bless you all !!!
Thanks, Ruben, for the nice comment. Please contact me, helpinghands@americanheroquilts.com, so we can discuss what you’re looking for.
Wow! wow ! Wow!
Just found out you’al existed!
My daughter just received a quilt yesterday in Qatar.
Wow was she HAPPY & GRATEFUL!
Thank you!
Mom in Massachusetts
My Goodness Raquel, I am unsure where your message has been but it showed up today. I am so glad your daughter got her quilt and is pleased. We call them metaphoric hugs and hope their do their job. We are grateful for your daughters service.
18 years! Wow, I never thought we’d be doing this so long. I’m finally sewing again and of course an American Hero is first up on my new starts. I finished a baby quilt started last year to get me moving again, and now this one. I’m a lot slower than I used to be, but still moving. =)
So glad you have gotten back into sewing Susan.
We were all so thrilled when they brought Patrick home and also happy we could help to celebrate in a small way.
Thank you for sending the beautiful quilts, we cover our patients with them on every Aeromedical evacuation flight.